Monthly Archives: February 2014

Small Business Tax Deduction Alert – With the 2013 business tax deadline fast approaching, it is important to be aware of those tax breaks that are available to help your business reduce its overall tax liability. In any given year, the use of tax deductions, tax credits, tax exemptions and tax incentives can significantly reduce the tax bill that your business will have to pay. On the flip side, to overlook these tax breaks essentially means that your business will overpay its tax bill. The following is a list of some of the small business tax breaks that are available for … Click to Read More

Choosing the right business entity is one of the most important decisions a small business owner has to make. While many factors must be taken into account in making this choice, the tax implications of the various business structures are probably the most important consideration. Each business entity is subject to different tax rates, tax liabilities and tax reporting procedures, making entity selection the one of the most important elements of effective tax planning. Because the tax code for business is not only complex but constantly changing, the entity selection process may require the help of a competent tax professional. … Click to Read More